Saturday 30 April 2022

Wait on Me. Word Received 29.4.2022

 Wait on Me and I will show you great and wonderful things from My Word. Do not be impatient to see the fulfilment of what I have promised for it will come in My perfect timing and perfect measure. For I am a good Father who delights to give good gifts to My children. The enemy has sown lies which many have believed and many walk in the fruit of what they believe. They do not possess their inheritance because they believe they have not attained to it. Your inheritance is a gift to be received not to be earned by hard labor. You cannot inherit the Kingdom by good works yet many still try thinking it will work for them. Humble yourself and receive My free gift of salvation and eternal life. Stubbornness will lead to the way of death. Surrender to My Holy Spirit will lead to life everlasting.  

Saturday 23 April 2022

Travel together and pray together. Word Received 16.3.2022

Travel together and pray together. Watch out for each other and do not let anyone be alone. Seek each other’s welfare and commit to caring for each other. Bind up each other’s wounds and pour My salve on people’s eyes so they can see My goodness and love for them. Do not hinder the work of My Spirit by seeking selfish gain. Seek My glory to be displayed on the Earth as your ultimate goal. Do not despise the least of all My children for I will do great wonders through them in the days to come.

Saturday 16 April 2022

Shout aloud that I am coming soon. Word Received 16.3.2022

 Shout aloud that I am coming soon. Let people know so they can turn to Me. Do not hide truth but proclaim it from the rooftops. Do not hide away but be bold to declare that My kingdom comes. Do not be scared of what people will think or say for eternity is at stake for those who will choose to put their trust in Me. Do not be anxious but be believing and speak truth in My Name.

Saturday 9 April 2022

Knock on the door of the situation and command it to be opened in My Name. Word Received 16.3.2022

 Knock on the door of the situation and command it to be opened in My Name. Go through it and bring others out of the places of danger they find themselves in. Do not give up when all seems lost for the breakthrough is closer than you think. Persist in prayer and destroy the work of the enemy. Do not fear anything else but fear Me in these days. Holy fear will protect you from going to those dangerous places yourself. It will cause you to stay close to Me and be safe at all times. Be accountable for your time and your actions. Do not resist the chastening of My Holy Spirit for it is for your benefit to cause you to become complete. Never let go of Me in these days and you will not fall away from Me.

Saturday 2 April 2022

You can enable others to find Me. Word Received 16.3.2022

You can enable others to find Me by your words and actions. You can also hinder others from finding Me by your words and actions. Be filled by My love so that your words will be saturated with My love and your actions will be manifested with My love. My love never grows cold and never runs out. My love never gives up on a person however far they have run from Me. Never give up on others for I will never give up on you. I will always be seeking you to pour My love into your life if you will receive it. I cannot reach your heart if you will not reach out to those around you with My love.