Friday 25 January 2019

Hello Future

Hello future,
I'm not afraid of you.
I'm stepping into you right now
with choices I have made,
and vision in my mind.

I want God's plan for me,
glory to glory,
and eternity firmly in my heart.

I want my past
to stay that way,
so I choose not to keep
looking back,
at things I have no power
to change.
Mistakes made,
time wasted,
mountains re-circled,
adventures missed.

I have today,
and if I do not walk into it,
it will soon become
a yesterday of regret.

Time is not waiting for me.
It will roll on regardless
of my response.

Today holds promises.
Jesus stands
and smiles at me,
beckoning me to journey with Him.
His promise sure
that He is with me,
as I step into my future.

Saturday 12 January 2019

Word Received 5.1.2019

I want you to walk
a tightrope of grace,
held by truth and law
and by My Holy Spirit.
Walk with the tension
of seeking perfection
and right standing in all things,
knowing that My mercy and grace
hold you when you stumble and fall.
Carry the balancing pole
of absolute truth and total justice,
knowing that you are free
in the boundaries of My
Holy Spirit's guidance.
There is great liberty
but also great responsibility,
for with increased knowledge
comes increased accountability.
Walk and keep looking into My face,
and as you do so your footing will be sure
and your balance will be true.
Do not give temptation time,
for in doing so you will court disaster
for your own life and others lives.
Keep your eyes fixed on Me,
and the world will not trip you up.
My favor is towards you
for you to succeed.