Saturday 28 April 2018

Writer's Joy

Ink on paper,
typed words on screen.
Finding memories
and creating landscapes.

Mightier than the sword,
but equally able
to cut to the heart
of the matter.

Ideas reformed,
with the writer's
thought tide washing
fresh imagination
and then out
for others.

It is a writer's joy
to share something
of the soul or spirit.

It is freely offered,
and the point of origin
waits in stillness,
to see if it is received.

Saturday 21 April 2018


Remember those who have fallen,
who have lost
their lives for King and Country.

Remember those who didn't die
but lived as broken men,
reliving horrors,
and grieving friends.

Remember those who stayed
at home,
longing for news
of safe return,
dreading the formal
uniformed knock on the door,
and heart felt condolences
that did not ease the pain.

Remember those
who grew up fatherless,
who had no man
to follow that example,
who lived with widows
and orphans.

Remember those
who live now,
who do not understand
the tragedy of war,
and only glimpse
its re-enactment in movies
made to make money,
that can never capture
what it was truly like.

Remember those generations
that are to come,
and pray that
this whole world
is never engulfed
by war again.

Saturday 14 April 2018

More Of The Same

You don't need
more of the same.
Same crippling self talk
and self defeating prophecies
that life will always suck.

You don't need
more of the empty headed
promises pronounced
in words so falsely barbed
they jab your soul.

You don't need
to live your life
crouched on your
knees depressed,
head in your
hands helpless,
crying out for
something to give.

You don't need
pleasant platitudes,
and interested intentions,
without concrete
evidence of compassion
and care.

You don't need
more of the same.
You need people in
your life who
understand love.
People who
know Him well.

Saturday 7 April 2018


I have a expectation
that when You are with me,
You will change everything.

My lacklustre life
will shine with brilliance
that is not my own.

My fragile confidence
will receive supernatural strength
that can reorganize mountains.

My heavy heart wearied
by people pain,
will surge with a
resuscitating resurrection charge.

My thoughts will lift
from the measured mundane
to faith filled impossibilities.

Strength, hope,
peace, grace,
passion, purpose,
enduring love
for others and myself.

Like I said,
I have an expectation
that when You are with me
everything will change.