Saturday 24 June 2023

Do not fear the plans of the enemy. Word Received 20.6.2023

 Do not fear the plans of the enemy for I will overturn tables and trample on his schemes. The kings of the world think they are victorious but I can silence them with a word. Do not fear evil but fear Me and obey My Word. Now is the time for My people to arise and show forth My glory on the Earth. Now is the time to be so bold in your faith and obedience to the leading of My Spirit that you surprise those who have known you for years. Now is the time to step forward into what I have for you and not hold back. There is no risk when you follow My leading but great reward for those who put their trust in Me. You will indeed do greater things because I am with the Father and My Yes and Amen is upon what I have called you to do. Do not fear failure but step forward into My promises and you will rejoice with Me greatly in the days to come.

By the Sea

 The skim stone smallness of the estuary

boats bobbing to the water music

gulls crying falsetto minor keys

and a child pitched voice cutting the quiet.

I could live by the sea in my dreams

and eat lemon sorbet

to the tune of the repetitive tide.

I watch you swim out beyond the point

and wish my braver self could join you

in the sea covered tangle of seaweed and grey stone.

There is a thought that passes between us

but does not land to form memory.

Bits and bobs

and to be fair

these are only phrases

used without context.

I like the afternoon sea

which is relaxing in its accomplishment

of the day.

It has nothing else to prove except

to sweep the beach clean ready

for the fresh tomorrow.

Is it because we are made of water

that we feel so at peace

here wrapped in our mother's womb

from our conception.

Saturday 17 June 2023

Do not grow weary in doing good. Word Received 11.6.2023

 Do not grow weary in doing good for in the right time you will reap your reward. Be diligent to pursue the works of the Kingdom for in them is eternal recompense. Nothing is wasted when done for God's glory and man's economy is far away from the touchstone of God's standards. Understand God's Word and be active to obey it for you will find treasures that are more than those on this Earth. You will be resplendent in His righteousness and covered by His blood as you submit yourself to God's perfect will and purposes for your life. Do not compare your deeds with others for each has a different calling and they are not to be measured against each other. Walk in the discipline of My Holy Spirit and rejoice in My presence for there you will be equipped with everything you need to fulfil your assignment. Be childlike in faith and receive wisdom from above and you will stand no matter what is happening on the Earth. Be diligent to read My Word and faithful to follow My commandments and you will see My glory manifest on the Earth. 

Sunday 11 June 2023

Rise up for your King is coming and stand to welcome Him. Word Received 11.6.2023

 Rise up for your King is coming and stand to welcome Him. He is coming in glory and power and He will not be turned away. His face is set to deliver those who cry out to Him and to cause injustice to cease. He will judge the nations and His righteous judgment will stand. Those who have mocked will be silenced and those who have rebelled will bend their knee. Iniquity will not stand before Him and darkness has no power over Him. His people will rejoice for they will be vindicated and the enemy's mouth will be shut. Rejoice for many will see this day and be glad for they will understand God's purposes will prevail. There will be rejoicing and celebration amongst God's people and tears and sighing will flee away. Mockers will cease because all the Earth will see the glory of the Lord. Lift up your heads and be ready to welcome in Your King.

Saturday 3 June 2023

Do not cast off this generation. Word Received 12.3.2023

 Do not cast off this generation for I love them with an everlasting love. The enemy has tried to destroy them but I will redeem them and draw them to Myself. I will show them great and mighty things in My Word which will empower them to stand for Me and to move boldly when I call them.