Saturday 24 June 2023

By the Sea

 The skim stone smallness of the estuary

boats bobbing to the water music

gulls crying falsetto minor keys

and a child pitched voice cutting the quiet.

I could live by the sea in my dreams

and eat lemon sorbet

to the tune of the repetitive tide.

I watch you swim out beyond the point

and wish my braver self could join you

in the sea covered tangle of seaweed and grey stone.

There is a thought that passes between us

but does not land to form memory.

Bits and bobs

and to be fair

these are only phrases

used without context.

I like the afternoon sea

which is relaxing in its accomplishment

of the day.

It has nothing else to prove except

to sweep the beach clean ready

for the fresh tomorrow.

Is it because we are made of water

that we feel so at peace

here wrapped in our mother's womb

from our conception.

1 comment:

Sarah Elizabeth Angus said...

This is the first poem that has taken shape in my mind for a while. I wrote it on a shop receipt standing by the edge of the sea.