Friday 26 October 2018

Join His Song

I'm going to sing My Song.
You can join in if you want to.

God invites us to join Him
in what He is doing.
So often we are off,
striving at singing our own
self made songs,
feeble renditions that sap our strength.

God wants us to hear
what He is singing over the earth,
and to live our lives
with ease in the midst of His melody.

It is ever so,
and yet more days than not,
our spirits struggle to make up tunes.

It turns out flat,
and with a tight tin sound
that grates in others ears.
We feel we have accomplished something,
because of peoples' polite applause.

But if we had only faithfully followed
His melody,
we might have seen something extra-ordinary
in the broken lives
of those who sit in thin silence,
with frown capped faces
and harrowed hearts.

Our own songs are mediocre at best.

We should leave the composing,
to the One who created the Song,
who allows us by grace
to join Him in His music.

When we duet with Him,
it is the most beautiful sound on earth,
and will alter the lives of those around

Saturday 20 October 2018

The Space Between Worlds

In the space between worlds
I am lifted up.
I have said goodbye to loved ones
on one side of the sphere,
and am yet to be welcomed
by others.

I join with the citizens
of this hurtling world,
sucked into the slipstream
of humanity rushing to and fro.

We are a compressed company,
crammed into miraculous flying machines.

We stare at screens,
and glance at each other,
unable to connect
as we make our connections.

As strangers we share
brief pleasantries,
knowing we will never
see each other again.

My heart leaves one world behind,
to replace itself in another.

It is a strange sensation,
this solitary pilgrimage
across the planet
for far flung family.

My tired thoughts turn
to those who wait for me,
beyond this curious
space between worlds.

Saturday 13 October 2018

I've Got To Go

I've got to go.

I really don't,
but I don't want to stay.

I'm distracted
by my own thoughts,
and I don't want to
enter your world too deeply.

I might get lost
in the labyrinth of your
and my own are confusing

I've got to go,
but I'll stay in touch.
Only at arm's length,
you understand.
I have to protect
the heart of my little world,
that I orbit trying
to make sense of what I see,
and what I hear,
but I don't,
and it doesn't.

I nod and smile.
It was nice to meet you.

But it wasn't.
Nice isn't the right word,
but my mind lazily
picks the beige description.

It was interesting,
challenging of my previous perception,
thought provoking,
heart breaking,
Sorry, I've got to go.

Saturday 6 October 2018

Driftwood Dreams

Driftwood dreams
rubbed bare
by disappointed desire.
Interesting shapes
retained but lifeless,
broken off
from gift giving source.

Tide tipping point
of life less lived,
waves of past, present and future
merging in silted foam.

Sin tasted entanglement,
seaweed tripping feet
intended to run the race,
left loitering at the water’s edge,
unwilling to test the depths of grace.

Scattered shells of purpose,
coned, ribbed, and multi-hued
are wave jumbled
thoughts unable to settle on
that which matters most.

Troubles sink us
in sticky sand,
slowing forward motion.
A lurching gait, not a striding out,
tired too soon,
wearily treading outwards
without enthusiasm.

We think that by only keeping rules
we achieve our spiritual goal.

We lose sight of Love manifested.

We forget our Saviour
wants to walk with us,
and share the whole journey
of our lives
along the beach.