Saturday 6 October 2018

Driftwood Dreams

Driftwood dreams
rubbed bare
by disappointed desire.
Interesting shapes
retained but lifeless,
broken off
from gift giving source.

Tide tipping point
of life less lived,
waves of past, present and future
merging in silted foam.

Sin tasted entanglement,
seaweed tripping feet
intended to run the race,
left loitering at the water’s edge,
unwilling to test the depths of grace.

Scattered shells of purpose,
coned, ribbed, and multi-hued
are wave jumbled
thoughts unable to settle on
that which matters most.

Troubles sink us
in sticky sand,
slowing forward motion.
A lurching gait, not a striding out,
tired too soon,
wearily treading outwards
without enthusiasm.

We think that by only keeping rules
we achieve our spiritual goal.

We lose sight of Love manifested.

We forget our Saviour
wants to walk with us,
and share the whole journey
of our lives
along the beach.

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