Sunday 3 March 2024

Devastation is coming to this nation. Word Received 4.3.2023

 Devastation is coming to this nation because they have turned aside from My ways to follow a path that leads to the destruction of many lives that are precious to Me. This land is steeped in blood from the past and from the present. The land is groaning under the weight of it and will soon split open to show its pain. Choices have been made that have produced trauma and pain and a misunderstanding and confusion in people's lives that only My Spirit can bring healing to. You will see the earth shake and people be displaced from their homes. You will see My people respond and raise their voices to heaven on behalf of this land. I will turn over what the enemy has been allowed to do as My people cry out to Me. These will be the days of change, of destruction of the enemies' purposes and the construction of something new that I am birthing in this nation through these labor pains. Do not think I have abandoned this nation as you see these things happening. I have not abandoned it. I am holding it strongly and securely out of the enemies grasp.

1 comment:

Sarah Elizabeth Angus said...

This is the second time I have received a word about shaking coming to New Zealand. The first was on 10th September 2021 and is recorded on this blog as a post entitled, "A massive earthquake is coming that will shake New Zealand to its core."