Sunday 25 September 2022

Wake up, wake up the people through prayer Word Received 21.9.2022

 Wake up, wake up the people through prayer for they slumber and do not know what to do. Wake them up through the power of prayer and usher them into their callings. Many are missing their calling at this time through distraction or discouragement. Strengthen the weak arms and give courage to weak hearts. People are failing to thrive in My Spirit because they are choosing the wide way that leads to destruction of their time and purpose on this Earth. Cry out for your brothers and sisters in Christ who are trapped in the enemy's snares. Break the snares and see them set free. Understand the times but do not be overwhelmed by them for all things shall pass according to My Word. Be awake to the voice of My Spirit and I will lead you through the days to come.


Sarah Elizabeth Angus said...

The Lord wants us to understand the times but not be overwhelmed by them.

susannamay said...

Thank you Sarah.
There is so much distraction around, it is difficult sometimes to be focused on Jesus and His Word and not be disheartened. Thank you and bless you x