Sunday 30 April 2023

As the rain that falls so My Spirit is falling on those who are thirsting for My presence. Word Received 29.4.2023

 As the rain that falls so My Spirit is falling on those who are thirsting for My presence and for righteousness to be restored in their communities and their nations. My rain will fall on areas of barren land and it will spring forth into life. The dryness and lack in peoples hearts will be filled up and they will begin to overflow with My goodness into others lives. The rain will wash away the debris that has collected on the Earth and cleanse hearts and minds of pollution that has built up over years. People will be glad and they will dance and sing in the rain of My Spirit being poured out on the Earth. Gladness will return to lives that have known great sorrow and many will walk into healing in My Name. These are the days of encounter with My Holy Spirit and with those who hunger and thirst for righteousness. Lift up your heads and see as My rain begins to fall in greater measure than you have seen before.

1 comment:

Sarah Elizabeth Angus said...

Lord please pour out your Spirit on your people.