Saturday 19 August 2023

Living Letter

 He looks at me with eyes of love.

I cannot raise my gaze,

too much has happened to me

to start a conversation.

He keeps looking,

hoping I will be brave enough

to catch a glimpse of His face,

radiant with love,

longing for a lost child

wanting to come home.

I put my hand in His

and whisper heartfelt thanks.

I didn't think I would see

it through another day,

but here I am

with a smile for those around,

who have never really seen me

before now.

Something has changed.

My life has begun again,

as if my book of days

has been renewed, stamped, and released

into the library of life

to be read by others.

A living epistle,

or letter in simpler language,

waiting to be shared

outward and onward,

and have I told you about Jesus

and how He saved my life.

1 comment:

Sarah Elizabeth Angus said...

We can all share our story about how Jesus has saved us.