Monday 8 February 2021

Losing You By Increments

 I am losing you

by increments,

counted not in days

but in months and years.

Noticing something slightly skewed, 

but unable to pin point it.

Tests were flawed.

Results inconclusive.

Then came the more obvious signs

of forgetfulness.

The shimmering sea 

where thoughts tangle

in an ebb and flow of coherence.

Past history still crisp and clean

as newly pressed trousers.

Yesterday's events slipping away

sensing they are no longer needed.

And yet you are still you,

my dearest Dad.

So gracious and well mannered.

Your smiling face of so many years

as we walked and talked together

from when I was only three.

You can no longer tell the time

but time is still on its persistent march into the future

where you may not know yourself

or me.

It is so painful

to lose you by increments.


Sarah Elizabeth Angus said...

It is difficult for anyone when the person they love is slipping away over a long period of time.

Unknown said...

That's beautiful Sarah...would be great to publish that in Alzheimers magazine.