Tuesday 3 June 2014

Another Word Received 9.5.2014

I have purposes for you in these days.
Do not draw back.
Do not miss them
for some of the windows of opportunity will be very brief.
Do not slumber or sleep for now is the time for action.
Do not compromise with the world
but stand firm on my word.
Be alert for the enemy is prowling around
seeking those he may destroy.
The battle is going to become fiercer and less compromising
so people will see their spiritual choice more clearly.
Do not rest in these days but actively fight in the spirit and with my word.
My word has not lost its power
though many in the world think it has.
My word is alive and active
sharper than a two edged sword
so wield it in the lives of others
and allow it to cut in your own life to remove
that which is dead.
Rise up and go forward.

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