Wednesday 29 July 2015

Word Received 26.7.2015

Awaken to the new time
and the new season that I am bringing forth.
Put off the old habits
and clothe yourself in my righteousness.
Do not waste time on things of the flesh
but walk in My Spirit and be fruitful.
Enlarge the borders of your territory
for I am giving increased revelation
to My sons and daughters
so they can walk in their inheritance
and have dominion on the earth.
Do not allow the horror of the things
you see and hear numb you to those around you
for My people must be salt and light
in increasing measure in this day.
Do not let the attack of the enemy weary you
for I will redeem everything he has intended for harm
and build strength and resilience in My people.
Stand firm in your faith
and stand firm on My Word
which will not change
and will prevent you from faltering.
You are on the threshold of great blessing
and greater revelation.
Do not hold back but press into Me My people
and see My Glory manifest in these days.

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