Friday 16 July 2021

Word Received 16.7.2021

 Never let go of My promise to you

for My Word can never change

and I am faithful to accomplish what I have spoken.

My Word does not return void so put your trust in it

and stand steadfastly on it not allowing fear to move you out of My will.

Do not be anxious but place your complete trust in Me

for I am faithful and I do not change.

My promises stand forever and you can trust them.

You can trust Me so walk by faith and see My promises manifested

in your life and the lives of those around you.

You are not helpless in these days for I am great

and mighty to perform My Word.

Don't let fear rob you of what might be 

if you take that step of faith and do not 

rely on your senses to see the truth.

My truth surpasses the physical and I am not limited

by the laws that sustain your life.

I am over and above them for I created all things

and all things are submitted to My will and purposes.

I can do extraordinary things in and through you

if you will choose to trust Me at My Word. 

1 comment:

Sarah Elizabeth Angus said...

The Lord spoke this word of encouragement about trust to me in the middle of the night. During hours of darkness often our fearful thoughts seem to be magnified.