Saturday 16 December 2017

Season Of Goodwill

Terrorist and politician
vie for center stage
in this season of goodwill.

Global policy makers and diplomats
stream through security screening,
to their guarded festive functions.

Presidents and royalty
skip through glossy pages,
consumed by multitudes,
then disposed of in recycling.

Actors, musicians and celebrities
seek the ultimate high,
and some die trying.

Tycoons and corporate heads
angst about tax haven efficiency,
and how to spend their next billion.

Displaced refugees
after their two seconds of news fame,
look forward to unknown ages
of housing hopelessness.

Overpopulated factories
churn out merchandise,
to separate the haves
from the have nots
more distinctly.

The fortunate few
at free funded gatherings,
will forget their daily misery
for a moment.

Pledges and promises,
bribes and corruption,
are rife in families with
small children,
and teenagers enhance
their negotiating skills.

People everywhere long
for the end of
the season of goodwill,
they have forgotten
or never heard
the real reason why it's here.

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