Sunday 5 November 2023

Lead the way Lord

 Lead the way Lord

and I shall follow.

I trust you with 

my life.

What that will look like

I do not know,

but you will be with me in it.

To walk this journey of life without you

would be unbearable loss.

A dark and brooding place

without your presence.

In you is light,

the light of life,

and you offer this to me freely 

to walk in and to show others.

Lead me Lord 

into your purposes,

and I will find my purpose

completely satisfied,

without any craving for comfort

that is not from you.

You are my all,

my everything, 

my love.

Lead me Lord

and I will follow.

1 comment:

Sarah Elizabeth Angus said...

Almost every day I declare aloud in prayer "I trust you Lord with my life."