Sunday 31 December 2023

Never Know

 You will never know

how much 


mean to Me.

You will never know

how much 

I care for you,

until you care for others.

I cannot dwell 

in a selfish heart,

wrapped up in

its tiny world.

It is too restrictive

for My glory presence

to dwell in.

I need hearts

that are full of

love for others,

that I can move freely in,

changing direction at a moments notice,

and bringing others

into that heart space.

You cannot love


if you will not

let Me love you,

with all your hang ups

and non compliant thoughts.

You are a bundle of tussling energy

that needs to be held

in stillness for a while,

until you can hear My heart beat for you.

I love you

doesn't even begin to cover it.

Words fall woefully short of reality,

and human comprehension

doesn't really get it.

That's why I came

to live among you,

to help

sort out the tangle,

and light up the darkness,

and spring clean your heart completely.

Now look with My eyes,

and feel with My heart,

and love with My life

rushing through you,

and admit

that this is indeed

a better way.

Go on,


never know

how things may turn out.


Sarah Elizabeth Angus said...

We can let God love others through us in this coming year.

susannamay said...

That is so beautiful! Thank you Sarah x