Saturday 23 September 2023

Running out of Time


is not the end of life,


the beginning of something new.

So let it be that wonderful invitation,

the wedding feast of Bride and Bridegroom,

and rejoicing in eternal life.

Don't let it be


to our last moment,

to turn to Jesus.

His saving grace

is there for us now.

His love reaches out.

His pierced hands declare

our debt has been paid.

Release others and be released,

from every burden and weary weight,

that would compress the life out of us.

Be set free in Jesus' name,

and live forever with God.

Heaven calls us home,

with accompanying angelic celebration.

But if we haven't replied to the invite yet,

we are running out of time.

1 comment:

Sarah Elizabeth Angus said...

The gift of eternal life is freely given to us, because Jesus gave His life that we might be set free from the power of sin and death.