Saturday 1 July 2023

Kindness of the Father

 Kindness of the Father to lead and guide

to love and comfort

to ease the pain of mortal loss.

He has seen His Son in agony

He knows travail.

He has promised not to leave us or forsake us

but we forget so quickly

and get lost in the maze of our own emotions

seeking for solutions that are not in Him.

He has this and He has you

if only you would be still and know.

Thrashing about as one drowning

you would take others under with you.

His strong hand will pull you forth

from the waves of your despair

and sit with you on the Rock of His Word

until your soul finds peace.

This day did not start well but tomorrow can.

His mercies are new every morning

and not just in the lyrics of a song.

He is tangibly present and incredibly kind

having justified you through His Son

there is nothing more to fear.

We tug at the edges of His presence

and feel we are not worthy of crumbs

but He has indeed prepared a banquet

for us in the presence of our enemies

fear, loss, longing, despair,

grief, pain, hurt,

can all watch us from afar

as we dine with Him.

1 comment:

Sarah Elizabeth Angus said...

Let us do more than tug at the edges of His presence. He is waiting for us to dine with Him.